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“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Managing Director of The Connexus Group Ken Specter comments on how our organisation has maintained its excellent service levels for more than twenty years.

“All claims start with the first notification of loss. How much focus does your business place on the quality of that call?


In order to accurately obtain the correct information from a claimant or third party on a first notification of loss (FNOL) call and ensure a cost effective and reasonable solution to the claim, the situation requires someone with a cool head, training, experience and the right qualifications.

An insurance claims handler must try and satisfy legitimate customer needs whilst looking out for fraud indicators, have the necessary training, experience and qualifications to assist with the right policy interpretation, assist with third party capture and ensure clients are given an early indication on the course of action required to best service their claim swiftly and efficiently.


At The Connexus Group we recognise this; we only employ staff with a minimum of three years’ experience in the discipline we employ them for. We train internally and externally, with our staff required to either have or be working towards the necessary qualifications.

Each claims handler is trained for a minimum of two months in our processes before they are allowed to deal with claims. Each team member is audited quarterly, as is the team leader. Each and every call is recorded and they are listened to regularly ensuring the staff are courteous, efficient and compliant. If that is not the case, then further training is undertaken.

We always work with our people to help them develop and improve.

This is evident in staff turnover, which in our organisation is less than 5%. It is this continuity and development along with staff training, audit and opportunities for advancement that ensure our workforce is motivated and committed, and has the right level of expertise to ensure client retention and satisfaction.

Ultimately, we are a people-centric organisation, and recognise that communication is key to ensuring our staff continue to make The Connexus Group an excellent service provider.”

Ken Specter, Managing Director – The Connexus Group

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